Andrew 'Miff Smith.jpg


I’m originally from Stockton-on-Tees and now living in Northamptonshire. Always an idealist, I left Bristol University in 1980 to try and change the world - no pressure there then! I wanted to prove that a positive and ‘enlightened’ approach to business was both demonstrable and sustainable; that transformation was not only possible, but necessary. I still firmly contend that business can and should be a force for good.

With my friends and colleagues I spent 20 years swimming against that particular tide and pursuing our dream through Merchants, the international training and consultancy group we founded. It’s still going strong, and doing great work.

I’m still advising businesses (with my wife Jan at Foundations4growth Ltd) but I’m now semi-retired and pursuing numerous other interests, including fell-walking, art, mentorship, writing, travel, yoga, cycling, music, metal detecting, trout and sea fishing, genealogy, gardening and, latterly, photography.

In this, I have been lucky enough to enjoy the friendship of the alarmingly talented Joe Cornish, without whom I would still be taking blurry shots of my feet. Sincere thanks are due for his friendship and generous advice and encouragement.

Having grown up in the North East, I initially drew my inspiration primarily from the hills and coastline of North Yorkshire. This is reflected in a number of the earlier images here. In time, I anticipate that my portfolio will expand to include areas less familiar (at least to me).